Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Donkey Race will be held behind closed doors, in order to avoid the inevitable risks arising from the assemblage of spectators.
On 4th October, as per tradition, the goliardic Donkey Palio race, the key event of the folklore chapter, will be in the spotlight.
Therefore, on this occasion we go back to the origins, with the return of the race in the heart of the Old Town: the Palio track will actually be set up in a concentric shape around the Duomo, between Piazza Risorgimento and Piazza Rossetti.
It will be held at 8 a.m., behind closed doors, to avoid the inevitable risks arising from the assemblage of spectators.
The Palio will be available in live streaming on the corporate channels of the Fair Organization, the Municipality of Alba and the Giostra delle Cento Torri (100 Towers Carousel), to broadcast an exciting event that will see the nine city boroughs compete for the much coveted drape that will be awarded to the winner of the race.
It is a welcome return for the painter of the Palio: after the previous experience in 2011, Valerio Berruti, an artist from Alba who succeeded in conquering the most prestigious world stages with his art, and was recently appointed ambassador of Alba Creative City Unesco, will once again paint the drape.
The Palio presentation will take place during an institutional ceremony, scheduled on Sunday 27th September,at 11 a.m., in the Town Council Hall of Alba.